Alliance Consulting Engineers

Example of Religious

Alliance Consulting Engineers, Inc., provides a full range of services for the development of religious facilities, including:

  • Feasibility Studies, conceptual planning, preliminary cost estimates
  • Coordination of surveying, geotechnical exploration and environmental due diligence services
  • Preparation of construction plans and technical specifications
  • Permitting documentation and assistance with regulatory agencies
  • Bidding and award administration
  • Construction administration and observation services
  • Project Management
  • Low Impact Design and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification Assistance


Alliance Consulting Engineers, Inc., provides a complete range of engineering and design services for an array of religious facilities, from church community centers to large congregation campuses. Our project team realizes the unique requirements that must be taken into consideration in the design of religious facilities as required by the church’s congregation and available project funding.

Alliance Consulting Engineers, Inc. provides comprehensive Religious services through our office locations in Columbia, SC, Charleston, SC, Greenville, SC, Bluffton, SC and Charlotte, NC.