Alliance Consulting Engineers, Inc. knows that Water and Wastewater Systems are intended to be operated as self-sustaining business enterprises funds, however over time operating expenditures change with an ever evolving population and economic conditions. Our experienced personnel know that projecting accurate future infrastructure needs, revenue streams, and annual expenditures are vital to a Utility’s long term success.
Alliance Consulting Engineers, Inc. has extensive experience in reviewing operating and maintenance expenses, projecting future capital improvements, debt obligations, impact fees, and rate structures. The ultimate goal is to establish a sound and adequate rate structure, which reflects the real costs of providing these vital services to each type of customer. Financial Analysis and Rate Studies often also include wholesale rate structures, potential impact fee structures, and capital expenditure allowances.
The information for these studies is compiled into a final report analysis along with various alternatives, conclusions, and recommendations of proposed rate structure, then is presented to various stakeholders for consideration.
Alliance Consulting Engineers, Inc. provides comprehensive Financial Analysis & Rate Studies services through our office locations in Columbia, SC, Charleston, SC, Greenville, SC, Bluffton, SC and Charlotte, NC.